Sunday, April 13, 2008


Q1) What do you mean by 'friendship'?

1)Friendship means making friends from other countries.

Q2) Why do think it is important to have friends?

1)Friends are for you to play with and learn more about their country.

Q3) How can you develop friends with others?

1)To lend them things and help them solve things.

Q4) Do you think it is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other


1)Yes,because if we do not treat them well,there will be a war between different races and each time we see them,we will fight with them and that will be no good which no one wants it.

Q5). Did you enjoy the activities during our school International Friendship Day?

Yes, they were fun and I get to know more about their culture and countries.

Q6). Which activities did you enjoy? Why?

I enjoyed the talk during the assembly as they had shown different countries working together and the sign of the Olympic Games. The teacher told us that the different colours means the kinds of colours the world flags have.

Q 7). What other activities can you suggest to be included in the International Friendship Day celebration next year?
I suggest that there could be more fun activities/games that can describe more about different cultures,their traditional clothes,food and flags.

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